Who We Are

Worldwide Leader in Innovative Surface Technologies

Kolene Corporation is a global leader in the cleaning and conditioning of metal surfaces for a wide variety of industries. Since its founding in 1939, Kolene has provided its customers with custom-designed and engineered equipment, specialty chemical formulations, and complete treatment processes. Today Kolene® products are used worldwide in a wide range of applications, including casting cleaning, alloy descaling, coatings removal, engine rebuild, and other demanding industrial and military applications.

One of Kolene’s earliest clients was the U.S. Navy, who approached Kolene during World War II with a challenge to prepare cast iron bearing shells so that lead could replace tin, which was unavailable during the Far East Campaign of the war. The breakthrough answer from Kolene was a series of molten salts which quickly became the standard for the Navy and its subcontractors. This process is still widely specified for cleaning iron castings. To this day, Kolene remains active in defense applications, with systems installed at the U.S. Army Depots throughout the country that cleans diesel engine components during overhaul and reset. The Kolene® process produces clean parts in minutes, compared to hours for the old technology it replaced. In addition to rapid component turnaround, the automated system is more economical to operate, produces more consistent results, and significantly reduces the volume of hazardous waste requiring treatment or disposal.

Today, the Kolene staff includes scientists, engineers, and production process experts responding to a global customer base. Their technological know-how spans across multiple industries such as aerospace, automotive, defense, foundry, stainless steel and general manufacturing, providing sole-source dependability, reproducibility, and performance. The longevity of Kolene’s customer base is a testament to not only the viability of Kolene processes, but also the tradition of providing ongoing support to customers who become long-term partners in the cleaning and treatment of metal surfaces.

Industry Participation

Kolene Corporation has a long tradition of participation and support of professional, technical, and trade associations in the industries we serve. And we encourage all of our associates to do so on an individual basis as well. Below are links to some of the associations that we support, either as a corporation or on an individual member basis. We urge you to do so also!

ACS – American Chemical Society
AERA – Engine Rebuilders Association
AFS – American Foundry Association
AIST – Association for Iron & Steel Technology
ASM – ASM International
ASM Detroit – ASM International – Detroit Chapter
CCAI – Chemical Coaters Association International
ESD – Engineering Society of Detroit
ICI – Investment Casting Institute
IHEA – Industrial Heating Equipment Association
ITA – International Titanium Association
MTI – Metal Treating Institute
NFPA – National Fluid Power Association
PCI – The Powder Coating Institute
PEI – Porcelain Enamel Institute
PERA – Production Engine Remanufacturers Association
SAE – Society of Automotive Engineers
SEMA – Specialty Equipment Market Association

Worldwide Affiliations

Durferrit GmbH

Address: Industriestrasse 368169 MannheimGermany
Teritory: Europe
Phone: 49-621-32224-0
Fax: 49-621-32224-809
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.nitriersalze.com/en/

Parker Corporation

Address: 22-1, 2-Chome Nihonbashi-Ningyocho, Chuo-Ku Tokyo 103-8588 Japan
Teritory: Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Southeast Asia, India
Phone: 81-3-5644-0650
Fax: 81-3-5644-0641
Contact: Kay Kaneko, Manager of Chemical Dept. No. 1
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://parkercorp.co.jp/