Polymer Removal

Protect Your Tooling Investment By Using Kolene Cleaning Technologies

Kolene thermochemical molten salt cleaning processes provide fast, thorough polymer removal from spinnerettes, pack bodies, extruder screws, dies, and related production components.

Molten salt baths provide superior process control.  When a workload is first immersed into the cleaning bath, the molten salt “freezes” on the cooler metal surface and slowly remelts as it heats up the metal.  Heat is generated by the reaction but the salt quickly absorbs the heat, protecting your critical components from localized overheating and the metallurgical damage it can cause.  Parts are protected during the reaction phase between the organic polymers and the molten salt. Overall cleaning times range from several minutes to an hour.

Effective on a wide range of common polymers, molten salts react with virtually all of today’s common synthetics:

  • polyesters
  • nylons
  • Nomex®
  • Teflon®
  • Kevlar®

Kolene can provide a basic cleaning system consisting of the cleaning unit and water rinse tanks sized for your production requirements.  We can also provide a complete processing line, starting with a melt-out oven to remove solidified polymers from pack bodies and other tooling.  We can also supply multiple rinse tanks, ultrasonic final cleaning stations, brighteners, and air blow-off and drying stations.

Contact us for more information on our polymer removal cleaning systems.

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